This interactive VR experience is inspired by my habit of picking up lost notes and papers on the street. I find it really fascinating to see what was important for people to write down and remember, but once it surved it's purpose it's so easy for notes to get lost and forgotten.
My goal was to create an atmospheric interactive VR experience that makes people more aware on this little details around them.
The Player finds himself on an empty street, surrounded by notes i found in my city.
When a note gets grabed, the player can look at it and release it again. This sets the note free and it flies away, wandering through the street. If a bunch of the notes get released, they form a little flock and look like leafes in the wind or birds.
When a note gets grabed, the player can look at it and release it again. This sets the note free and it flies away, wandering through the street. If a bunch of the notes get released, they form a little flock and look like leafes in the wind or birds.